I have decided that I don't have the dedication or devotion, whichever word you think best describes my inability to keep this blog up to date. I am an avid reader of other blogs which I do enjoy but for some reason I don't quite have in my power the ability to put words on this screen day after day.
I enjoy the computer but I just don't enjoy sitting here for over 15 minutes at a time. The husband can sit here for a couple of hours but that is certainly not my cup of tea.
So, today is Wednesday, Dec. 15. As of right now it is not raining, but the clouds look as if they could open up once again and give us a good drenching at any time.
Yesterday I started the day with taking the two grandkids to Koffee and Krayons. This is an activity in which they get to run around a gym, throw some balls and made a snowman out of coconut and raisins. They were cute but I have found giving glue to a two year old and three year old is always an adventure, one that usually ends up with the adult getting sticky from futile attempts to keep the children from getting sticky.
After returning home I spent the day in my haven, otherwise known as the sewing room and finally finish putting together a quilt that I believe I have been working on for three or four months now. I am hoping I will have it ready for our show this weekend in Louisville. I also spent the day watching reruns of NCIS.
NCIS seems to be my latest obsession. For some reason I never did watch the show in its regularly time slot of Tuesday night, so all of these reruns are new to me. Which is a good thing, because I would not be watching them otherwise. I am one of those people who cannot reread a book, watch a movie twice (except for the Family Stone), or hardly watch a television show twice.
Anyway, I enjoyed listening to the rain and watching it, and getting the quilt finished except for my sore fingers this morning.
As usual, I am rambling, so I am now off to the sewing machine to make potholders then I will try to put the binding on the quilt, iron it and pack it up.
So, how did you spend your rainy Tuesday.