Saturday, February 7, 2009


I have a quilting class today in Bowling Green and I am so excited. I know what you are thinking, but you make and sell quilts. I make very homespun quilts so I am hoping to "up" my skills by taking a class.

My hand quilting is very primitive and that is about the nicest way I can think of saying it. So, I am hoping through this class to improve that a lot.

And to tell you the truth, I think I just wanted to hang out with some other quilt enthusiasts. It gets pretty lonely around here at times.

Another motivator has been the Elm Creek Quilt series. I started reading the series over Christmas and I am now on book number 3, so I just seem to be surrounding my life with quilt jargon except there is no one to talk to.

So, I am off to quilting class.

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